Exhibitor Profile

EnzyScreen BV
Enzyscreen BV has its' facilities in Heemstede, The Netherlands, close to Amsterdam international airport. From here, we ship all our products to our 300+ worldwide customers. Enzyscreen was founded in 2002 as a spin-off company of the Institute of Biotechnology of the ETH Zurich and initially mainly performed contract screenings for new enzymes (in a collection of 1850 wild-type strains). Since 2008 - with its team of engineers and biotech experts - Enzyscreen solely focusses on designing, developing, and prototyping products and equipment for use in the Biotech and pharmaceutical industry, with an emphasis on miniaturised cultivation systems. Production of components is outsourced to specialised companies, primarily situated in The Netherlands (~50%), Germany (~20%, and the Czech Republic (~15%). Assemblage and subsequent quality control is performed in-house in its facilities in Heemstede, the Netherlands. The equipment of Enzyscreen is mainly used for the development of "biologicals" (e.g. in the development of cancer medicines), and the improvement of biological production processes (beer, fine-chemicals, antibodies by CHO-cells, etc.) Wouter Duetz (CEO and founder) studied Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Amsterdam before working 10 years on oxygenases involved in the microbiological degradation of aromatic pollutants. In the subsequent 5 years, he lectured enzymology and biotechnology at the ETH Zurich and headed a research group focused on high-throughput screening for new biocatalysts, in close collaboration with Prof. Bernard Witholt. Specific expertises include: • miniaturised cultivation systems for bacteria, yeasts, and aninal cells (such as CHO-cells) • mixing and oxygen transfer rates in various types of microplates, under various shaking conditions • gas-liquid mass transfer- measurement and precise quantification of maximal growth rates • anearobic cultivations of bacteria and yeasts • regio- and enantiospecific hydroxylations • physics and engineering of orbital shaking systems
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