2024 Conference Session

About the Session
Singapore first, US second, Europe last? The EU is know for its robust standards for food safety, including the evaluation of Novel Foods and GMO’s. However, so far this resulted in all cell ag companies filing their applications for market introduction anywhere else than in the EU. This is likely to change and not only for the very attractive market potential of 448 million consumers. Also, a number of helpful regulatory developments took place in the EU since Q4 of last year. In this session, these developments will be discussed, for instance:
• To what extent will the updated EFSA Novel Food Guidance be helpful for your Novel Food application?
• What is the importance of the updated EC Guidance belonging to the Hygiene Regulation for cultivated meat?
• How does the Dutch Code of Conduct for tastings of cell ag products play out in practice?
• Which studies should be reported to EFSA for transparency reasons within the framework of an application for an innovative food product?
Finally, recently granted, pending and rejected authorisations will be presented in this session, aiming to draw learnings therefrom for future applications.
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