
Susana Soares

Susana Soares is an Assistant Professor at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto and a researcher at REQUIMTE LAQV. She is the PI of an ERC Starting Grant, BeTASTy, the Action Chair of FLAVOURsome COST Action, and the Coordinator of an Horizon Europe Project, WHEATBIOME. Her research is focused on understanding food taste, particularly the contribution of polyphenols and proteins to some organoleptic properties, e.g. astringency and bitterness. Her research has given essential advances in understanding the interaction between polyphenols and proteins from different perspectives, namely food technology (e.g. enhancement of technological properties of alternative proteins), and bioactivities and nutrition (e.g. interactions within the oral cavity, bioaccessibility and digestibility). Her work has also been dedicated to the development of methodologies and to the finding of new compounds to decrease these unpleasant taste properties of plant-based food products. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals (H-index 25, more than 2300 citations in Scopus). She has been awarded by the American Chemical Society, Agricultural Division (Best Paper of 2013 of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry), by ADVID (Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region), 2014 Award - Michael Symington and by Nestlé R&I - Manfred Rothe Excellence Award in Flavor Research 2019.
Speaker Agenda
The Future of Protein Production Amsterdam!
Europe's Meeting Place For Alternative Protein Production Solutions